Tuesday, January 6, 2015


             Many people have asked what the #Wearenoteworthy means. Here is a little bit of why I wanted to become a part and get involved in this ministry.  We are young women who want to make a positive impact in the lives of girls everywhere, helping girls find their identity through Christ's love for them. We have the cross before us and God beside us, leading us every step of the way. Who knows where this will go, but for now if we can impact one girl or many more, then it is all worth it!

As a youth leader, I'm tired.
  • I'm tired of young women thinking they aren't good enough.
  • I'm tired of young women thinking they aren't smart enough.
  • I'm tired of young women thinking they are not skinny enough.
  • I'm tired of young women thinking they are not pretty enough.
  • I'm tired of young women thinking they not strong enough.
  • I'm tired of young women thinking they do not have a voice.
  • I'm tired of the eating disorders.
  • I'm tired of the successful suicides and suicide attempts.
  • I'm tired of the depression.
  • I'm tired of the cutting.
  • I'm tired of the drinking.
  • I'm tired of the sex to find "Their worth".
  • I'm tired of the secrets.
  • I'm tired of the insecurities.
  • I'm tired of the tears.
  • I'm tired of their hurting.
 I'm tired.

             My heart breaks for these young women. Today they are faced with a culture where this is a norm. A culture where "Everyone struggles with something", so who cares?! You're just wanting attention, you won't really follow through... It's not that important. When in fact it is SO important. So important in fact that Jesus died to set all of your pains and struggles free. Satan has gotten into the heads of these young women using those around them to tell them who they are, telling them they will never be successful, telling them they no longer have a voice, telling them they are not worthy, when in fact they are completely NOTEWORTHY. 

You are beautiful, You are smart, You are kind, You are unique, You are special, You are precious. You are worth more than: the numbers on the scale, the Zits and the freckles on your face, the gaps between your teeth, the color of your skin, the color of your eyes, the color of your hair, the number on your Jersey, the percentage on your paper, the clothes that you wear, the car that you drive, and You are worth more than ANY LABEL. You are worth SO much more than the lies Satan is trying to engrave in your head. YOU ARE WORTH MORE.  Your worth SURPASSES any and all earthly treasures. You are worth SO MUCH that Jesus died for YOU.

            Look at the amazing women Jesus used in the Bible. Each woman had something against them. They each struggled with something, and I'm sure if you asked them they would tell you that they were inadequate for the job they were set for. Look at Esther (saved her people), Ruth (the loyal friend), Martha (fulfilled her duties), Mary (Jesus' mom), Rahab (the prostitute). Each of these women changed the world, forever! These women have the same power, the same strength and the same capability as you and I! Lets find that inner woman. Find her strength, her knowledge, her power and her capability and lets learn how to SET HER FREE. THIS IS WHO YOU ARE, THIS IS WHO WE ARE: WE ARE NOTEWORTHY WOMEN, WE ARE DAUGHTERS OF THE LIVING GOD. Noteworthy's goal is to help young women find their identity in Christ, not in any earthly belonging. Our goal is to empower young women, help them find their gifts and passions then teach them how to use their unique gifts and abilities to positively impact their family, their friends, their community, their world. We want to Challenge and Inspire young women to find their worth, identity, and hope fully in the love of their heavenly father. We will choose to believe that our value is not found in any earthly things- but in who our father calls us to be, Noteworthy women whose lives are marked by our reflection of His Grace. We believe by empowering the next generation to positively use their gifts while seeking the Lord, we can help positively impact our young women today.

Because you and me, WE ARE NOTEWORTHY. 
