Sunday, March 1, 2015

Thankful. Humbled. Blessed.

              Throughout this Dare2Share conference season, I have had the privilege and opportunity of meeting some pretty awesome students and leaders. This weekend we had conference five minutes from my house. We were surrounded by students and leaders throughout our community, it was so humbling and exciting to watch and see God move. Our youth group students were there, my small group girls were there and my friends and family were there. It was awesome. When conference ended last night I had this young girl come up to me with tears in her eyes. As I listened my heart broke for her. I prayed over her and tried to offer a little bit of hope. Late last night I received this email from her...
"Hi Emily! Once again, thank you very much for telling your story today at Dare To Share. I cannot tell you how much it helped. Like I told you, I went through hip surgery in December after a three-month period of MRIs, doctors, and that whole process including crutches because I had both a stress fracture and labrum tear in the same hip. I have always identified myself of a runner. Loosing it was like loosing everything. I know that you can understand that times three. I have been really upset with God, and that anger is slowly eating away with my relationship with God and with others. My labrum tear was half structural and half my fault for overdoing the summer running. Today after the outreach session I was sitting and thinking that the weekend had been good but not what I expected. I had expected to find peace with God about all that has happened within the last few months. But, then the room went black and they shared the video of your testimony. I felt in that moment that someone else knew the extent for what I was going through. I have always known that God feels with me, but he has been so quiet recently. I have had friends that have suffered serious injuries but none of them have felt the same way that I have. Many times I have thought, "What’s the point to all this life anyway?" After they showed your testimony I knew that someone else had walked that same road. So, thank you very much for sharing."

I know I say this a lot, but I am so thankful to have met Heather. It takes a lot of strength and courage to be so open about what she is going through. 

“Heather! First off, you are the sweetest girl ever and I am so thankful to have met you this weekend. Thank you so much for being so open about what you have gone through. That in and of itself takes a lot of strength. Surgery and sports injuries are such a tough thing and when you are in the midst of it, it seems like your whole entire world is shattering. I feel like it is only healthy to be mad at God for putting you through this. “It’s not fair, why does this have to happen to me?” Just know that he is God and he will win, no matter how far you try to run and hide. Trust me, I have totally tried. As an injured athlete I know what it is like to feel alone, angered, frustrated and feel like there is absolutely no hope or end in sight. I know it is hard to see right now, but God has a beautiful plan for why you are going through what you are going through. He is going to use your story for His glory and impact the Kingdom. I know that when I was in high school and someone would tell me that, I would just roll my eyes at them. BUT it is so true. I could NOT have survived my depression if it was not for God. He is a totally rad guy who cares so deeply and desperately for you. He knew you before you were born and set you apart to use YOU. Please just keep your head up and continue to strive forward knowing that you are NEVER alone. God is by your side, holding your hand and guiding you every step of the way. The path may be a little rocky now, but it will be beautiful sooner or later. I would encourage you to start drawing a heart on your hand. I have my middle school girls do this each week. My heart resembles that no matter where I am in life, I am never alone. God is with me through the ups and the downs, the trials, the errors and the celebrations. He will never leave me nor forsake me. He is a God who cares so passionately about YOU. How cool is that. Heather. You are important. You are beautiful. You are valued. AND YOU ARE SO INCREDIBLY LOVED. I am praying for courage, strength and hope as you move forward. You are a beautiful girl inside and out and God has some pretty amazing plans for your life. Just buckle up and hang on for the adventurous ride ahead. You are going to do amazing things!”

Please join me in praying for Heather and the many other students I talked to this weekend and these past weekends. Pray that they feel Gods peace, comfort and encouragement as they continue to walk this journey that God has set for them. These students are not alone. Reach out, talk to them, encourage them, love them.  This weekend, like many weekends, I am thankful that God gave me a second chance. I am thankful for the incredible life altering work Dare2Share is doing. I am thankful for the obstacles and challenges I have had to overcome. I am thankful for the opportunities he has provided. I am thankful. I am humbled. I am blessed. 

“Whatever you do (whether soccer, swim team, school, cross country, band, choir, work, etc.) work at it with all your heart as if working for the Lord, not for man.”
–Colossians 3:23