Wednesday, December 7, 2016

Being a woman.

I have been trying to find words all day for this…

So here it goes, today I received news that I did not receive a ministry position because, well, I'm a female. I woke up and received the email and tears immediately began to fall down my face. "You have an amazing resume and an amazing passion for ministry, but we are looking for a male candidate." My husband just sat there and held me and loved me well. He told me that this situation does not define who I am and who I am in Christ. He reminded me, assured me, and encouraged me that I am loved, I am cherished, and I am worth so much more than what elders of a church are telling me.

This situation made me feel ashamed of being a woman. I have never felt that way before. It made me so insecure. I could've handled the situation in a few ways. Instead of getting frustrated or instead of voicing my opinion and saying something I would regret, I decided to learn from this experience and keep pressing on. Ladies. You are loved. You are valued. You are worthy.

I decided to handle the situation with grace and love. Although I wanted to tell them how I really felt, it made me realize how much more I wanted to be apart of a ministry that inspired students. A ministry that could show students that they could be anything they wanted to be, whether they are a male or female. I want to be a part of a ministry where young girls can look up at their leaders or youth pastors and see that they too can have a HUGE voice in their church. I want girls to see that they can be leaders. That they have value and worth. That although they are a girl that DOES NOT mean they have any less value in society. I want young ladies to know that they can have just as much of a voice as men. I want teenagers to see that they can be world changers. I want them to see that they can be anyone they want to be and together they can be an incredible team that reaches all of the Nations with The Gospel. Personally I believe that both men and women play a crucial role in our churches... look in The Bible. God uses men and women.

My prayer for this church and the many others like it is that they would love students well, show them that their voice matters, equip them to reach their friends with The Gospel, encourage them to spread their wings and watch as they fearlessly pursue their passions.