Thursday, July 6, 2017

Finding God in the gunk of life.

Hi. My name is Emily. Im a wife. Im a daughter. Im a sister. Im a dog mom. Im a friend. Im a youth worker. Im a coffee enthusiast. Im a Mexican food junkie. I am a travel freak. I am someone who is trying to break up my break up with God. *Gasp* Now before you freak out and start sending me a billion text messages, emails or Facebook comments, hear me out. Throughout this past season of life, I have been blessed beyond measure and I have also felt like I have been incredibly, I mean incredibly beat up. Charles Spurgeon once said, The seasons change and you change, but the Lord abides evermore the same, and the streams of His love are as deep, as broad and as full as ever.”

I have recently found two incredible women on social media who are entrepreneurs, Jenna Kutcher and Ashley LeMieux. They have put their vulnerability on the line to show how on social media their life may look perfect but behind the camera they are just like everyone else. They are struggling too. They are trying to navigate through this crazy, messy, beautiful life just like each of us.

I do not want this blog to sound like I am complaining or that I am being a drama queen. Quite the opposite, actually. I want to be real, I want to be raw, I want to be vulnerable, and I want others to know that they are not alone in this fight. I want people to know that together we are fighting, together we are striving and together we are re- learning to love Jesus a whole lot more. *Now you can breathe*

This past year has been a crazy roller coaster of mountains and valleys. From getting engaged, to graduating college, to getting married, to having a dream job (to turning down a few others for it), to losing that dream job, to going back on Dads payroll because those other jobs were no longer available, to being turned down/rejected from 25 (Yes you heard me right, 25!) jobs. What the heck.

Marriage. Marriage is one of the best decisions I have ever made. My husband is the most patient and kind-hearted person I know. He knows my quirks and somehow makes them awesome. He knows my struggles and insecurities and somehow helps make them disappear. He is the greatest. The way he loves me shows me just a glimpse of how our God loves. Can you even imagine?!

Job-hunting, job hunting brings out my insecurities. The insecurities that I have been working to fight off for my whole life. Those lies that the enemy tries to engrave on my body so every time I look in the mirror my worth feels like it is flushed down the toilet. Yes, I go into those interviews, chin up, smile on my face, heels on ready to kick some ass but once that rejection email or phone call comes around saying: Emily we loved you but you got beat out by someone with a few more years of experience, Emily would your husband be interested in this position? You could volunteer? We do not have women in leadership positions here. or better yet from HR from my alma mater stating
You are not qualified for this position.  When people would ask how I was doing, my immediate response was, Im good! When deep down it felt as though there was barbed wire around my heart, broken and ready to burst. Watching from the sidelines as friends are getting their dream jobs and wondering if you will ever get the chance to get yours.

You are not qualified, you got beat out by someone who had more experience are statements said in every single email or phone call I have received. In my head, these statements translated to Emily, you are not good enough. Deep down I knew that this statement I had created was not true BUT when you see these statements in writing, week after week, interview after interview, they start to really put a toll on ones self. Statements that unintentionally start to define you. These statements create a fight that you get tired of fighting. Thoughts and dreams began popping into my head that were scary, knowing that I would not act, but because of this I had to get my support system/table of people around me to help me fight through this time in my life successfully and gracefully. I was at a point in my life where I would get an email, run to my car crying hysterically, and just start yelling at God, GOD. WHAT THE _____ (You fill in the blank)!!!!! I was at a point in my life that if one more person told me, Gods got it”, I was going to blow.

Im at a point in my life where sometimes waking up just hurts. I am at a point in my life where sometimes I will just start crying for no apparent reason, extremely thankful for a husband who will just come and hold me. A point in my life where I regret making certain job decisions after college but knowing that there is no turning back now, knowing that God has a plan for all of it, and knowing that I have met some pretty incredible people because of those decisions. He uses each and every decision for His glory. I am at a point in my life where I just say Now what God? Are you there? Do you hear me? Do I truly know He is there deep down, yes. Do I believe that He will create something beautiful out of this, yes. Have I seen him move mountains before, yes. I believe all these things, but right now, I feel like my relationship with Him is that of middle school girls who are fighting because they both like the same boy. You know that fight in middle school when the Jonas Brothers were a thing and you each had a BIG crush on Nick. Knowing that the fight was so stupid and unrealistic and you would be friends again next week but if something were to happen to one of you the other would be there at the drop of a dime. Weve all been there, right?

Looking back throughout this year, I have seen God work immensely, through my relationship with my husband. Ive seen God work through my mended relationship with my dad. Ive seen God work through me re-gaining my confidence back in a medical office setting working with patients. Ive seen God work through so much. Ive seen God work in little ways when I needed Him most. Those days that hurt to get out of bed, I see him in little ways throughout the day. I do not want to sound like this year has been terrible. It has not been all bad. It has been a year of challenges. It has been a year of learning. It has been a year of figuring out who God created me to be. It has been a year of discernment. It has been a year of vulnerability. Shelly Giglio once said God has you here. Be confident. Be humble. This is my goal for these next few months. Although I am not using my degree, God has me here for a reason. Interviews may come and go and hopefully one sticks eventually, but God has me HERE.

I am going to work on not defining myself as what I do but who I am. I am loved. I am important. I am so much more than the lies society and the enemy are trying to feed to me. I am beautiful. I am courageous. I am valuable. I AM PRICELESS. YOU ARE PRICELESS. Lets plow through this crazy beautiful life together. Knowing that even though we may cuss and yell at God He is still holding our hands and picking up our feet through the gunk of life. Each little valley and hill is important to who he is shaping and molding us to be. He hasnt forgotten about us. Find your table of people. Love them well. Reach out. Ask for help. DO NOT, I REPEAT DO NOT GIVE UP.  Max Lucado once said, You are valuable because you exist. Not because of what you do, or what you have done, but simply because you are.


Youve got this. You are capable of doing amazing things. Be authentically you. Keep your head up. Smile. Wipe those tears off your face and know that the same God who created the mountains, who placed the stars in the sky, also created you with a divine purpose and plan. We may unintentionally or intentionally try to push Him away to navigate this life our way, but lets be real, we do not have control. We are in this together my friends. Our circumstances and stories may be different but we are each fighting a fight together. Love each other well.

Sending my love,

"Be strong and courageous. Do not be afraid; do not be discouraged, for the LORD your God will be with you wherever you go.
- Joshua 1:9