Wednesday, August 1, 2018

No more...

A year ago, I woke up and told Jeremy I was ready to start Crossfit… (After months/years of him trying to convince me, I decided I was ready on my own.)

A year ago, I decided to tell myself “no more”.

No more feeding those lies in my head.

Those lies that I was unintentionally using as a crutch.

The lies that were engraved in my head from having 3 knee surgeries. Lies that came from the heartache of getting hurt, to recovering, to training, to getting hurt, to recovering, to training, to getting hurt, to recovering, to…. Quitting. I had enough.

Lies that left scars that I kept trying to bury. Scars that I would constantly try to ignore and not allow to heal properly. Scars that definitely took a toll on my body. Scars that ultimately filled me with anxiety and grief.

A year ago, I said “Screw it, No more”. No more believing those lies that were saying that I would never keep up, that I would get hurt, that I was too out of shape to even begin, that I would be wasting everyone’s time, the lies that ultimately came down to… my brokenness, my self-worth. I was done being the victim of my own mind and body. Y’all it was hard. Can you relate?

You see what I was forgetting is that something I knew all along, something that I was constantly telling others, but not soaking in myself… that something was that God takes our brokenness, our scattered pieces and turns it into something beautiful.

You see, we are God’s masterpiece. He created every freckle on your body and every hair on your head. He created your beautiful eyes, your smelly toes, your curvy body. He created you just the way you are. You may see flaws, but he sees a masterpiece.

Imagine being in a pottery class. Now, imagine being done with your pottery piece and you are so proud because of how perfect your piece turned out. Now… imagine the teacher coming over and criticizing every flaw they saw. Would you be crushed? Heartbroken? Frustrated? … HELLO…That’s how God feels when we criticize ourselves.

Y’all we are worth SO much more than those scars we are listening to in our heads. We are God’s masterpiece, we are his workmanship. How stink’n amazing is that?? “For we are God's handiwork, created in Christ Jesus to do good works, which God prepared in advance for us to do. -Ephesians 2:10

Yes, there are times that you may need to sand down or dust off your clay pot. There are times that accidents happen and your clay pot may be shattered, chipped, or even needing some new paint or glaze. God see’s all of that. He see’s us for who we are. He picks up the broken pieces and meets us where we are at. No matter how much gunk and baggage we collect.

You, yes YOU are God’s most prized possession. He looks at you and he is proud. There is nothing you can do that would make him think less of you. It is by grace that you have been saved through faith (Ephesians 2:8).

A year ago… A year ago I decided to let go of my shame and to allow God to help pick up my scattered pieces. I was desperate for him to help me build my pottery again. It was my new beginning. I was ready to help sand down, paint and glaze the beautiful pottery that God saw all along.

Do not get me wrong, Crossfit is HARD, but Crossfit is also a beautiful reminder to me of where I have been and where I am going. The scars… they tell a story of a new-found strength, confidence, and determination. The scars tell a story of a cracked vase that is full of cuss words, eye rolls, sweat, and tears. They tell a story of the most perfect artist who sees the beauty in it all and continues to choose me, just like he chooses YOU.

What are you saying “no more” to? What is the crutch that you have been unintentionally leaning on? The most perfect artist wants to help you let go of your crutch and mold you, will you let him? You my friend are valued. You are important. You are cherished. YOU are loved. You are worth it.
If this stubborn girl who has zits on her face, gap between her teeth, lumps on her thighs, 2 different shaped knees can learn to see herself the way God sees her, so can you.

We are in this together. We’ve got this!
